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Jeffrey Jeddeloh, Stephen Macevicz, Christine Peponnet

Jeffrey Jeddeloh, Stephen Macevicz, and Christine Peponnet have joined the new US subsidiary of French DNA synthesis firm DNA Script.  

Jeddeloh was appointed as vice president of business development and commercial strategy. Most recently, he was director of business development for Roche Molecular Solutions. Prior to that, he was R&D director at Orion Genomics. He holds a PhD from Washington University and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin.

Macevicz has become the firm's vice president of intellectual property. Previously, he was vice president of IP at Sequenta and at Ion Torrent, as well as senior IP attorney at Becton Dickinson. He holds a PhD in biophysics and a JD from the University of California, Berkeley.

Peponnet has joined the company as vice president of technology development. Most recently, she was head of the biosystems group at CEA (Center for Atomic Energy), where she helped to develop a microfluidic technology that was licensed to Advanced Liquid Logic, which was later acquired by Illumina. Prior to that, she worked at Caliper Technologies, and before that, she was head of genotyping R&D at Genset.