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Jeffrey Bluestone, Vijay Kuchroo, Christoph Lengauer, Aviv Regev, Ramnik Xavier, Alexis Borisy, Jeff Ross, Anthony Philippakis, Maya Said, Jason Coloma, Susan O'Connor

Celsius Therapeutics has named its founders and leadership team.

The company's founders are Jeffrey Bluestone, president and CEO of the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy at the University of California, San Francisco; Vijay Kuchroo, professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School; Christoph Lengauer, venture partner at Third Rock Ventures; Aviv Regev, chair of the faculty, core member, and director of the Klarman Cell Observatory at the Broad Institute; and Ramnik Xavier, chief of gastroenterology at Massachusetts General Hospital. Lengauer is also Celsius' president.

Alexis Borisy, a partner at Third Rock Ventures, serves as executive chairman of the company's board of directors, and Lengauer is a board member. Regev is a board observer, along with Jeff Ross, cofounder of Syfr, and Anthony Philippakis, a venture partner at GV (formerly Google Ventures).

The firm's management team includes Maya Said, chief operating officer; Jason Coloma, chief business officer; and Susan O'Connor, chief people officer.