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InterVenn Biosciences: James Allison, Padmanee Sharma

InterVenn Biosciences, a company specializing in glycoproteomics for precision medicine applications, has appointed James Allison and Padmanee Sharma to its advisory board.

Allison is chair of the Department of Immunology, chair for cancer research, director of the Parker Institute for Cancer Research, and executive director of the immunotherapy program at MD Anderson Cancer Center. In 2018 Allison was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovery of a new way to treat cancer by leveraging the body's immune system to attack the tumor.

Sharma is professor in the Departments of Genitourinary Medical Oncology and Immunology and chair in cell biology in the Cancer Medicine Division at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Her translational research focuses on learning how to apply immune-based therapeutic strategies to manipulate components of the human immune system to lead to tumor regression.