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Immunai: Peter Smibert, Alexandria Cogdill, Adeeb Rahman, Danny Wells, Meena Subramaniam, Rachel Gate, Michael Kalos, Jimmie Ye, Regina Barzilay

New York-based immune profiling firm Immunai has made a number of additions to its leadership team.

Peter Smibert has joined the company as VP of functional genomics. Previously, he was director of technology innovation at the New York Genome Center, where he helped develop single-cell and functional genomics methods such as CITE-seq, ECCITE-seq, and ASAP-seq.

Alexandria Cogdill has become Immunai's director of business development. She joined the firm from the MD Anderson Cancer Center, where she was a strategic industry ventures fellow while completing a PhD in immunology.

Adeeb Rahman has joined the firm as senior director of single-cell immunology. Before that, he was director of technology development for the Human Immune Monitoring Center at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai.

Danny Wells has become senior VP of strategic research at Immunai. He was previously the founding data scientist and head of reverse translational medicine at the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy.

In connection with Immunai's acquisition of Dropprint, Meena Subramaniam and Rachel Gate have joined Immunai's machine learning and computational biology team. Both are cofounders of Dropprint and Gate is the firm's former CEO.

Immunai has also added several members to its scientific advisory board. They include Michael Kalos, former VP of Janssen and former CSO of cancer immunobiology at Eli Lilly; Jimmie Ye, associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco; and Regina Barzilay, professor for AI and health and AI faculty lead at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.