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Helene Peyro-Saint-Paul, Pascale Beurdeley, and Jean-Marie Charpin

PathoQuest has announced an expansion of its executive team by appointing Helene Peyro-Saint-Paul as chief medical officer, Pascale Beurdeley as CSO, and Jean-Marie Charpin as global commercial head of viral safety.

In her role as CMO, Peyro-Saint-Paul will be in charge of medical affairs, development strategy, and market access. Most recently, Peyro-Saint-Paul served as CMO at Qiagen Marseille, formerly Ipsogen, and HalioDx, a company she co-founded. In her role as CSO, Beurdeley will lead PathoQuest's research and development activities while providing insight and expertise on all the scientific aspects of the company's technology. Most recently Beurdeley held several positions at DiaxonHit, formerly ExonHit Therapeutics, where she contributed to the development and promotion of the company's proprietary platform for the analysis of gene expression and alternative splicing. In his role as commercial head of viral safety, Charpin will drive commercial efforts associated with PathoQuest's viral safety testing business. Most recently, he served as business account manager and product manager at OncoDesign, where he developed the business in north Europe and successfully launched innovative services for preclinical oncology worldwide.