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Danaher: Jessica Mega, Pardis Sabeti

Danaher has appointed Jessica Mega and Pardis Sabeti to its board of directors. Mega has been the chief medical and scientific officer at Verily Life Sciences since October 2015, and was previously a cardiologist and senior investigator at Brigham & Women's. She has also been a faculty member at Harvard Medical School and a senior investigator with the TIMI Study Group. Mega holds degrees from Stanford University, Yale University School of Medicine, and Harvard School of Public Health.

Sabeti has been an investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute since November 2015, and is also a professor at the Center for Systems Biology and the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. She also teaches in the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at the Harvard School of Public Health. Sabeti holds degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Oxford, and Harvard Medical School.