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Anthony Gregg, Laurie Demmer, Elaine Lyon, Catherine Rehder

The American College of Medical Genetics has appointed Anthony Gregg as president-elect, Laurie Demmer as clinical genetics director, Elaine Lyon as laboratory molecular genetics director, and Catherine Rehder as laboratory cytogenetics director. It has also appointed Gregg, Demmer, Lyon, and Rehder to its board of directors. Gregg is currently a professor and chief of maternal-fetal medicine at the University of Florida. He also serves as the director of obstetrics at UF Health and program director of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Fellowship. Demmer is a clinical geneticist and associate pediatric residency program director at Levine Children's Hospital/Carolinas Health Care. Lyon is currently a tenured professor of pathology at the University of Utah, and serves as chair of the departmental academic committee responsible for the department's faculty appointment. Rehder is currently the director of Duke University's Cytogenetics Laboratory and associate director of the Duke Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory.