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Alex Dickinson, Robert Proulx

Alex Dickinson and Robert Proulx have joined the board of directors of Quantapore.

Dickinson is the founder and executive chairman of molecular diagnostics firm ChromaCode. Previously, he was a senior vice president at Illumina, and prior to that, the founder and CEO of molecular diagnostics firm Helixis, which Illumina acquired in 2010. Earlier, he was the founder and CEO of Luxtera, which provides silicon photonics products. Dickinson holds a PhD from the University of Adelaide in Australia and an MBA from Columbia University.

Proulx is executive chairman and CEO of Imagion Biosystems, a medical imaging company. Previously, he was the president of Silicon Biosystems, which was acquired by the Menarini Group. He also held executive positions at Nanogen, Gene Logic, Igen, and Packard Bioscience. Proulx holds MA and BA degrees from the State University of New York at Albany and an executive MBA from the Penn State Smeal College of Business.