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Veritas Genetics myGenome Premium, myGenome Diagnostic

Veritas Genetics announced it is now offering myGenome Premium and myGenome Diagnostic services, in addition to its $999 myGenome Standard service. The premium service is priced at $1,499 (or $500 for customers of the standard service) and is for those want a more indepth analysis of their carriers status, cancer risks, and cardiovascular risks. Within the premium service, customers will receive information on more than 400 genes associated with around 20 actionable conditions and on 125 genes linked to more than 200 carrier conditions. 

The $2,999 myGenome Diagnostic service ($1,999 for customers of the standard service) is for those with a personal or family history of a genetic condition, and providers interpretation of all genes known to be associated with the disease. This service is availalbe for adults and pediatric patients, and customers will also receive reports included in the standard service.

Within myGenome Standard, Veritas is also adding a new section that inlcudes "lower-impact genetic findings" associated with 15 commone diseases, for which individuals may be able to lower their risks via lifestyle changes.