Ultivue UltiMapper Multiplex Immunofluorescence Kits
Ultivue has expanded its UltiMapper Multiplex Immunofluorescence Kit portfolio with a T-reg and MDSC kit. The UltiMapper I/O T-reg kit identifies regulatory T cells and cytotoxic T cells within the tumor context and allows for the phenotyping of activated double-positive T cells. The UltiMapper I/O MDSC kit enables the identification and characterization of myeloid-derived suppressor cells and allows researchers to differentiate M-MDSC from PMN-MDSC phenotypes. The new kits feature high-throughput whole-slide imaging using the same conventional IHC equipment and workflows as the previously released UltiMapper I/O PD-L1, UltiMapper I/O PD-1, UltiMapper I/O T-act, and UltiMapper I/O APC kits, the company said.