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TTP/Sphere Fluidics Cyto-Mine Single-Cell Analysis System

TTP and Sphere Fluidics have launched the Cyto-Mine Single-Cell Analysis System, which automates single-cell analysis, sorting, imaging, and dispensing to help boost throughput and sensitivity throughout the biopharmaceutical discovery process. The platform is based on proprietary algorithm software and optical hardware from Sphere Fluidics, which enables single-cell compartmentalization and fluorescence-assisted sorting. The instrument is compatible with the Cyto-Cartridge, a disposable microfluidic biochip that integrates Sphere Fluidics' picodroplet generation and sorting technology with TTP's dispensing technology. The Cyto-Cartridge allows single cells of interest to be dispensed into individual wells of a microtitre plate for biopharma discovery, cell line development, and monoclonality assurance.