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Thermo Fisher Scientific Ion Sequencing Kits

Thermo Fisher Scientific has launched several new sequencing kits: the Ion 520 and 530 ExT Kit-Chef, and the Ion AmpliSeq Direct FFPE DNA Kit. The Ion 520 and 530 ExT Kit-Chef enables robust, automated and fast template preparation  and sequencing of 400 to 600 base-read libraries using the Ion Chef System and the Ion S5 and Ion S5 XL Sequencing Systems, the company said. The kit contains a single-use template and sequencing reagent cartridges with integrated sample tracking which delivers an automated workflow for sequencing of four loaded chips with complete run traceability. The Ion AmpliSeq Direct FFPE DNA Kit enables the preparation of DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues for library construction using the AmpliSeq protocol without the need for deparaffinization or DNA purification, the company said. The kit is suitable for FFPE tissue sections up to 10 µm thick.