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Qiagen QuantiFeron SARS-CoV-2 RUO Assay

Qiagen has launched the QuantiFeron SARS-CoV-2 RUO assay to detect T-cell responses of the human immune system to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The assay, which is for research use only, could help researchers gain new information on immunity levels and disease progression. Studies have suggested that T cell response to the virus declines much more slowly than antibody response, and that it provides a reliable indication of how severe the course of illness will be in infected patients.

The new product will initially comprise a 'starter set' and a 'monitor direct' package for separate or combined research use. Both are made up of QuantiFeron blood collection tubes with a proprietary stimulation principle, and the QuantiFeron detection system to measure the resulting interferon-gamma.