Qiagen QIAseq NGS Products
Qiagen has launched its QIAseq NGS products, which use proprietary "digital NGS" technology. Digital NGS utilizes unique molecular indices (UMIs) that allow for more accurate quantification and detection of molecular variants across all sequencing platforms, the company said. The QIAseq products include: QIAseq Targeted DNA panels, which combine UMIs and unique chemistry to detect low-frequency gene variants; QIAseq Targeted RNAscan panels, which incorporate UMIs into sequencing of RNA-derived libraries; QIAseq miRNA NGS kits, which solve major issues in workflow and contamination of unwanted sequencing reads; and QIAseq Targeted RNAseq kits, which utilize UMIs for accurate gene expression quantitation of up to 1,000 targets from as little as 10ng of RNA.