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Qiagen QiaSeq Human Exome TR Insights

Qiagen has introduced QiaSeq Human Exome TR Insights, a whole-exome sequencing workflow that combines chemistry and informatics to enable researchers to sequence and analyze genomic variations across the entire human exome. The workflow comprises three components: the QiaSeq Human Exome Panel; Qiagen CLC Genomics Workbench NGS data-analysis and -visualization software; and QCI Interpret Translational, new software the enables evidence-based variant annotation, filtering, and interpretation. The QCI Interpret Translational component is powered by the Qiagen Knowledge Base of roughly 2 million unique variants expertly selected from more than 300,000 scientific articles. The exome panel component features a hybrid-capture chemistry and workflow that minimizes GC-induced bias and improves capture efficiency and specificity. Balanced coverage across difficult target regions ensures minimal dropouts and false negatives, Qiagen said.