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Qiagen QiaPrep&Amp Viral RNA UM Kit

Qiagen has launched the QiaPrep&Amp Viral RNA UM Kit to simplify and accelerate PCR analysis in epidemiological studies of RNA viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. The new kit combines a two-minute, liquid-based sample preparation step with real-time PCR detection in a workflow that can be automated with standard lab equipment for any throughput, assay, and reaction need for both single-plex and multiplex testing. Qiagen said the workflow comprises taking an aliquot from a nasopharyngeal, oropharyngeal, or nasal swab in transport media; adding the aliquot to a buffer optimized for viral RNA template preparation without degradation; and combining this mixture with RT-qPCR reaction mix for subsequent real-time PCR on any thermal cycler using any assay. The entire workflow takes less than an hour compared to about three hours for standard extraction-based qPCR processes, and can be used to process up to 2,600 samples per eight-hour shift per thermal cycler, the company said.