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Qiagen Investigator STR Assay Kits

Qiagen is now offering two genetic fingerprinting kits to simultaneously analyze multiple STRs. The kits incorporate a quality control sensor to enable labs to quickly determine whether evidence may provide valuable results. The Investigator 24plex QS Kit is designed for amplification of the new CODIS core and European Standard Set (ESS) marker sets from casework samples. The Investigator 24plex GO! Kit is for direct amplification of the new CODIS core and ESS marker sets from reference samples. The new kits comply with expanded marker sets, as well as Interpol and European standards. They also complement two other kits being launched in the US: the Investigator ESSplex SE QS Kit for amplification of the ESS marker set, and the Investigator Argus X-12 QS Kit for amplification of 12 X-chromosomal STR markers.