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Paragon Genomics CleanPlex UMI Lung Cancer Panel

Paragon Genomics will introduce its research-use-only CleanPlex UMI Lung Cancer Panel at the upcoming American Society of Human Genetics Meeting. The panel is a targeted resequencing assay designed for the detection of ultralow-frequency variants across the hotspot regions of 23 genes frequently associated with lung cancer. The CleanPlex UMI technology incorporates unique molecular identifiers that distinguish between the two strands of DNA, enabling correction of PCR and sequencing errors to achieve more accurate results. The product can be used to prepare sequencing-ready libraries in a single-tube format in 3.5 hours, and variants at 0.1 percent allele frequency can be detected with high specificity using only 30 ng of DNA, Paragon said. CleanPlex NGS Panels are available for use with Illumina or Life Technologies Ion Torrent platforms.