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Paragon Genomics CleanPlex NGS Panels

Paragon Genomics has launched a series of CleanPlex products for MGI sequencers. The firm now offers its CleanPlex for MGI Ready-to-Use NGS panels, which can be used for both MGI's OncoZoom Cancer Hotspot Panel and MGI's BRCA1 and BRCA2 Panel. Paragon also offers its CleanPlex for MGI Custom NGS panels, which allow researchers to build customized assays to address specific needs. The firm noted that its support staff will take custom orders, developing and delivering panels that are completely compatible with MGISEQ sequencers. In addition, Paragon is offering validated automation protocols ensuring that CleanPlex for MGI assays can work with the MGISP-960 Automated Sample Preparation System to produce the same results performed if done manually.