Pacific Biosciences Sequel System 6.0
Pacific Biosciences has launched updates to its Sequel sequencing system, including software version 6.0, reagents version 3.0, and SMRT cells 1M v3. Together, these changes, which are part of the Sequel System 6.0 release, result in sequence reads with greater than 99 percent accuracy, throughput of up to 50 gigabases per SMRT cell, and average read lengths of up to 100 kilobases, depending on the insert size, the firm said. For amplicon sequencing and RNA sequencing, customers can generate up to 500,000 reads with single-read accuracy greater than 99 percent. For whole-genome sequencing, customers can generate up to 20 gigabases of data per SMRT cell, with average read lengths of up to 30 kilobases.