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Oncocyte DetermaIO

Oncocyte said it has completed CLIA Validation for and launched DetermaIO, previously the Insight Genetics IM Score Test. The test is now available for research use within the biopharmaceutical and academic communities. DetermaIO is a gene expression profile test that evaluates the immune microenvironment in biopsies from cancer patients to identify individuals more or less likely to respond to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 immunotherapy.  The test differentiates itself from other immunotherapy diagnostic tests by having the capability to determine if the immune microenvironment is active or quiescent. DetermaIO has the potential to be used to stratify patients in the more than 3,000 PD-1/PD-L1 ongoing clinical trials that are collectively expected to recruit over 500,000 patients, the company said.