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OGT Cytocell Aquarius P16/3c/7c/17c Probe Kit

Oxford Gene Technology has launched its CE-IVD-labeled Cytocell Aquarius P16/3c/7c/17c Probe Kit, a cost-effective, ready-to-use fluorescence in situ hybridization probe kit for non-invasive detection of bladder cancer.

OGT's product accurately detects in urine samples the three most common aneuploidies associated with bladder cancer (chromosomes 3, 7, and 17). It also detects deletions of the 9p21.3 locus containing the well-known tumor suppressor gene p16 (CDKN2A) — commonly deleted in bladder cancer. The kit contains ready-to-use reagents and has an easy-to-use protocol, and provides specific, clear, high-intensity signals with minimal background, OGT said.