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NanoString NCounter Vantage 3D Panels

NanoString Technologies has launched two new translational research assays, nCounter Vantage 3D DNA (SNV) Solid Tumor panel and nCounter Vantage 3D Protein Solid Tumor Signaling Pathways panel. The nCounter Vantage 3D DNA (SNV) Solid Tumor panel is designed for highly multiplexed profiling of known cancer mutations, as well as insertion and deletions from as little as five nanograms of DNA, while the nCounter Vantage 3D Solid Tumor Signaling Pathways panel enables the identification of activation state through the measurement of total proteins and phosphoproteins from a single slice of FFPE tissue or form as little as 250 ng of protein from cell or tissue lysate. The two new panels can be combined with one another as well as with the nCounter Vantage RNA panels to enable more comprehensive profiling of formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tumor tissue.