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MO BIO's Tissue & Cells DNA/RNA Isolation Kit

MO BIO has launched the UltraMag Tissue & Cells DNA/RNA isolation kit. This is the first commercially available kit designed for automated, hands-free co-isolation of DNA and RNA from animal tissue and cultured cells using automation platforms, such as the Thermo Scientific KingFisher Flex or Duo or Eppendorf's epMotion. The kit is the latest nucleic acid purification tools developed using key MO BIO technologies. It uses simultaneous isolation of DNA and RNA and works with fresh, frozen, or preserved animal tissues, and adherent or suspension cultured cells. It also utilizes the firm's SwiftMag magnetic particle technology, which facilitates isolation of high yields of pure nucleic acid for use in qPCR, RT-PCR, and next-generation sequencing. The kit includes proteinase K for cell lysis and is available with optional 2.8 mm ceramic bead tubes or bead plates, enabling high nucleic acid yields even from challenging tissue samples, MO BIO said in a statement.