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MGI Tech MGISEQ-2000, MGISEQ-200 Sequencers; MGIFLP Modular NGS Workstation; MGIUS-R3 Robotic Ultrasound System

MGI Tech, a subsidiary of BGI, has launched two next-generation sequencing platforms, MGISEQ-2000 and MGISEQ-200; a modular NGS workstation, MGIFLP; and a robotic ultrasound system, MGIUS-R3.

The MGISEQ-200 and -2000 instruments are upgrades to the BGISEQ-50 and -500 platforms, respectively. Improvements include changes in design and an optimized chemistry that allows customers to run the sequencers at a lower cost. Both instruments can run with at least four different read lengths and can complete a run with 100-base paired-end reads in less than 48 hours. The platforms can be ordered starting December 25 and will start shipping February 14, initially in China.