IsoPlexis CodePlex Secretome and Single-Cell Innate & Myeloid Solution
IsoPlexis has released two new products for use with its IsoLight cellular proteomics instrument.
CodePlex Secretome is a fully automated approach to obtaining highly multiplexed bulk cytokine data that requires five minutes of hands-on time for sample loading. CodePlex Secretome multiplexes more than 30 cytokines, and is modular so users can simultaneously examine as few as eight samples or as many as 64.
The new Single-Cell Innate & Myeloid solution detects the functional single-cell differences from innate and myeloid cells by identifying what each cell secretes in a highly multiplexed (32-plus cytokines) manner to reveal the sources of cellular difference through functional phenotyping. It joins other IsoLight single-cell chip applications which allow researchers to visualize single-cell-level data and pinpoint biological drivers.