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IDT qPCR Master Mix, Target Capture Hybridization and Wash Kit, and Blocking Oligos

Integrated DNA Technologies has launched a Probe-Based qPCR Master Mix and Target Capture Hybridization and Wash Kit. The master mix is optimized to support probe-based qPCR assays for gene expression analysis. It is guaranteed to provide assay efficiencies of greater than 90 percent when used with PrimeTime qPCR Assays in two-step RT-qPCR, said IDT on its website. The Target Capture Hybridization and Wash Kit have a mix of reagents that have been optimized for target enrichment using XGen Lockdown Probes and Panels. The kit generates results quickly with a short, four-hour hybridization protocol, said IDT on its website. The Blocking Oligos prevent adapter cross-hybridization in target capture reactions. These oligos bind to platform adapter sequences on a designated strand (usually the inverse of the synthetic adapter) to help prevent non-specific binding, said IDT on its website.