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Horizon Discovery Cas9, dCas9-VPR Cell Lines

Horizon Discovery has released its stably expressing Cas9 and dCas9-VPR cell lines to aid researchers in gene knockout and gene activation experiments, respectively. The cell lines are optimized to work alongside Horizon's Edit-R predesigned synthetic single-guide RNA and CRISPRa guide RNA, for complete, simple, and streamlined CRISPR gene editing and modulation workflows.

The Cas9 and dCas9-VPR stable cell lines were generated using Horizon's Edit-R Lentiviral particles with a blasticidin resistance cassette, and are provided in pooled format. The cell lines are QC verified and validated to ensure stable expression and functionality of Cas9 or dCas9-VPR endonuclease in a range of common cell backgrounds, the company said. Both cell lines are available in the same background to enable loss- and gain-of-function studies to be performed in parallel.