Good Start Genetics EmbryVu
Good Start Genetics has launched EmbryVu, a preimplantation genetic screening test. The process begins with the safe removal of a few cells from embryos created during the in vitro fertilization process. EmbryVu tests for the presence or absence of whole chromosomes in each sample to determine those with the expected number. Embryos found to have more or fewer chromosomes than expected are referred to as aneuploid, and can fail to implant or result in miscarriage. Because EmbryVu will help fertility specialists select embryos for transfer that have a normal chromosome complement, it is expected to significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. EmbryVu is based on FAST-SeqS (Fast Aneuploidy Screening Test-Sequencing System) technology exclusively licensed from Johns Hopkins University. For more on Good Start's test, click here.