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Fluxion BioFlux Extended Flow Module

Fluxion Biosciences has launched its BioFlux Extended Flow module for live cell analysis. The module consists of a new 6-well plate consumable and interface. It is targeted to applications requiring longer cell or microbial growth under flow conditions. The new consumable extends the flow time from 31 hours using BioFlux 24-well plates at a shear of 1 dyn/cm2 to 110 hours at the same shear using the new extended flow plates, the company said. At low flow rates (0.15 dyn/cm2), BioFlux channels can be kept under perfusion for up to 21 days, important for applications in tuberculosis and urinary tract infection research. The system enables a multitude of assays that require precise control of the cellular microenvironment, including control of shear forces, liquid composition, gas, and temperature.