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Fluidigm Maxpar Human Immune Monitoring Panel Kit

Fluidigm has launched the Maxpar Human Immune Monitoring Panel Kit for comprehensive immune cell profiling in cancer and immune-mediated diseases. Designed for use with the company's Helios CyTOF mass cytometry system, the new kit contains 29 metal-labeled antibodies and reagents designed and optimized for deep immune profiling of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in a single tube. The panel biomarkers were selected in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions, and are optimized for routine high-parameter immune profiling, Fluidigm said. Multiple third-party data-analysis options are available to analyze results from the panel, including Cytobank and GemStone software. Verity Software House is providing free access to an enhanced version of GemStone software to customers who purchase the kit.