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Canopy Biosciences Neuropathology, Immuno-Oncology Services

Canopy Biosciences has launched two new services — for immuno-oncology and neurodegenerative disease  performed on the NanoString nCounter platform. The neuropathology service consists of a multiplexed assay covering 770 established genes, providing a comprehensive assessment of neurodegenerative pathways.

The second service, the PanCancer IO 360 Gene Expression panel, enables immuno-oncology research. Using the panel, investigators can examine the expression of a set of 770 genes  including regions that contribute to the interplay between the tumor, microenvironment, and immune response in cancer. A subset of the genes in the panel also make up NanoString's 18-gene Tumor Inflammation Signature, which has been shown in studies to identify potential responders to immunotherapy drugs like PD-1 inhibitors.