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Canon BioMedical Genotyping Assay Expansion

Canon BioMedical has launched an expansion to the Novallele genotyping library with the addition of 72 new assays. The Novallele genotyping assays detect genetic variations using PCR followed by high-resolution melting analysis on any thermocycler capable of HRM. The expansion includes two novel assays, the MELAS m.3243A>G Novallele genotyping assay and LHON m.11778G>A Novallele genotyping assay, that detect mutations in mitochondrial DNA. These assays distinguish mutations that may play a role in mitochondrial disease, providing scientists a fast and simple method to detect single-nucleotide polymorphisms. The new MELAS m.3243A>G Novallele genotyping assay detects SNP of the MELAS gene, which may play a role in the MELAS disorder. Additionally, the LHON m.11778G>A Novallele genotyping assay detects a SNP of the LHON gene, which may play a role in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy.