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Bruker MALDI-2 Source for TimsTOF Flex; 4D Proteomics Workflows

Bruker has launched the MALDI-2 post-ionization source as an option on its TimsTOF Flex ESI/MALDI mass spectrometer. The new technology can offer one or two orders of magnitude higher sensitivity for many small molecules and lipids, increasing the range of applications of MALDI mass spectrometry and imaging. MALDI-2 requires a second laser (266 nm) fired orthogonally into the expanding MALDI plume that is generated by Bruker's proprietary primary SmartBeam 3D (355 nm) laser. An optimized FlexMatrix formulation is recommended for MALDI-2, the company said.

Bruker has also launched TIMS/PASEF-enabled 4D proteomics methods that leverage the large-scale, real-time availability of accurate collision cross sections for tens of thousands of measured peptides per 4D nanoLC-CCS-MS/MS run. These new methods and software include prm-PASEF, short-gradient dia-PASEF, MOMA, and "run and done" proteomics using a novel GPU-based real-time search engine. The new innovations enable enhanced peptide, protein, and PTM identification; sustained, ultra-high sensitivity LFQ performance; and truly high-throughput methods for 4D proteomics, 4D lipidomics, and 4D metabolomics on the TimsTOF Pro platform, Bruker said.