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Bionano Genomics Access v1.6, Solve v3.6

Bionano Genomics has updated its suite of data analysis and visualization software tools for its Saphyr genome mapping platform. The new version of Bionano Access is designed to simplify and accelerate every step in the data-analysis workflow, enabling clinical labs to develop tests on the Saphyr more easily. It builds on the Bionano EnFocus FSHD Analysis tools for the automated analysis of variants in a form of muscular dystrophy to allow for similar automated variant analysis for EnFocus panels for other genetic conditions. These include autism spectrum disorder, developmental delay, and repeat expansion disorders, as well as hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. The new version also enables Bionano EnFocus FSHD data to be analyzed on a PC rather than in the cloud or on a compute cluster. In addition, it reduces the time and increases capacity for analyses run on Bionano's cloud-based platform.