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Biocept RUO Target Selector Kits

Biocept has announced the availability of new research-use-only kits allowing molecular laboratories to perform some of its Target Selector molecular assays in house on both formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue and circulating tumor DNA samples. The first available kits, for EGFR mutations, are being made available now and additional assays targeting other oncogene mutations are planned for launch in the future, Biocept said. The firm's Target Selector technology platform utilizes patented "Switch-Blocker" technology to enrich specimens for specific mutations of interest, resulting in high assay sensitivity and specificity. According to the company, this high performance allows detection of minute fractions of mutated DNA in a liquid biopy sample, and could also allow laboratories to eliminate macro-dissection of tumor blocks or provide results with small DNA inputs compared to most tissue-based assays. Target Selector assays can be used in combination with a variety of low-cost analytical platforms including qPCR, Sanger sequencing, microarrays, and mass-spectrometry, in addition to next generation sequencing, the firm said.