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Bio Rad's Droplet Digital PCR Multiplex Mutation Screening Kits

Bio-Rad has added five products to its Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) Multiplex Mutation Screening Kits. Each research-use only kit detects key actionable cancer mutations in certain genes — KRAS Q61, NRAS G12, NRAS G12/G13, NRAS Q61, and BRAF V600 — as well as the wild-type allele in a single reaction. The complete portfolio also includes a previously-launched KRAS G12/G13 screening kit. The kits are compatible with all of the firm's ddPCR systems. The Droplet Digital method minimizes the effects of inhibitory substances and the kits identify mutations present at allelic frequencies at or below 0.5 percent. This makes them ideal for use with formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue and liquid biopsy samples, the company said.