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BGI 676 Quality Genome Standard

BGI has introduced the 676 Quality Genome, a new standard and cost-effective solution for high quality de novo genome assembly using MGI's DNBSEQ and stLFR technologies. BGI defined the standard as having a contig N50 greater than 106 bases (>1Mb), scaffold N50 greater than 107 bases (>10 Mb), and, for the human genome, total assembled size larger than 6 Gb. The firm expects the standard's cost to be $1,000, on the upcoming MGISEQ-T7 sequencing platform.

According to BGI, the 676 Quality Genome can detect all types of structural variants and is ideal for assembling regions of the genome not well represented by the reference genome. The firm said that the 676 Quality Genome provides more accurate and comprehensive genetic predictions, since it assembles each person's genome individually and does not depend on a reference genome.