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New European Project to Fund PGx for Personalized Medicine Research With €36.5M

NEW YORK – The European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) plans to fund research under a new multinational project called Pharmacogenomic Strategies for Personalised Medicine Approaches (PGxPM2025) with a total budget of approximately €36.5 million ($38.0 million).

Earlier this week, EP PerMed, which is supported by the European Union under the Horizon Europe funding program, issued its second joint transnational call for proposals for PGxPM2025, in which 35 government-supported funding organizations from different countries are participating.

These organizations will jointly fund multinational research projects in personalized medicine for up to three years that bring together academic, clinical, public health, and private research teams.

The goal of the effort is to identify new pharmacogenomic markers or signatures relating to a drug or drug combinations using multiomics data, to validate PGx markers to predict outcomes, and to use PGx strategies to determine dosage, efficacy, or risk of adverse drug response or no-response. Researchers are encouraged to combine omics data, patient medication data, and patient outcome data.

Eligible projects must involve at least three partners from different EU member states or associated countries, which include South Africa, Israel, Turkey, and Iceland, whose funding organizations participate in the call.

Applicants have until Feb. 18, 2025, to submit their pre-proposal. Funding decisions on the full proposals are expected in October 2025, and the project is slated to start at the end of 2025 or in early 2026.