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Intermountain Announces Funding Opportunity for Precision Genomics Projects

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Intermountain Precision Genomics this week put out a call for translational research project proposals from groups interested in leveraging its samples and high-throughput next-generation sequencing capabilities. 

Researchers across industry, academia, and non-profit institutions may apply for the opportunity to receive up to $100,000 in matched funds from Intermountain to cover costs related to procuring, preparing, and sequencing samples it has garnered.

"This opportunity can ease the financial burden of specimen collection and sequencing of the robust collection of samples stored at Intermountain's biorepository," said Tyler Barker, Intermountain Precision Genomics senior scientist, in a statement. "The Translational Science Center provides high-throughput sequencing using cutting-edge NGS technology and delivers annotated clinical data at competitive rates."

The application deadline is Aug. 1, and the funding recipients will be announced Sept. 15.