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Geneial Lands $349K SBIR Grant from National Library of Medicine for PGx Data Exchange

NEW YORK – Health technology firm Geneial said on Wednesday that it has received a $349,432 Small Business Innovation Research grant from the National Library of Medicine.

The Houston-based startup said in a statement that it will use the funding for proof of concept for its privacy-focused pharmacogenomics reporting platform and data exchange.

In its grant abstract, Geneial described its product as "a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-compliant, privacy-preserving pharmacogenomics platform in which patients can maintain ownership and transactional-level control of data use, thereby protecting patient privacy while facilitating use and reuse of genomic data." The tool will include "streamlined report generation, an encrypted database supporting queries against pharmacogenomic data, and access via application programming interface or user-friendly web and mobile applications." 

The award follows a $2.3 million grant from the National Human Genome Research Institute to build a genomic data marketplace for researchers studying rare diseases.