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Circulomics Wins $1.5M NIH Grant to Develop DNA/RNA Sizing Platform

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Circulomics announced today that it has been awarded a $1.5 million Phase II SBIR grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop a single-molecule platform for DNA and RNA sample quality analysis.

According to the company, the platform will be based on its PicoSep instrument, which uses inline isotachophoresis preconcentration and single-molecule free solution hydrodynamic separation to enable DNA and RNA sizing from picoliters of a sample and 20 DNA molecules.

With funding from the two-year grant, Circulomics aims to develop a high-throughput PicoSep-based kits for sample preparation for two applications: high molecular weight DNA sizing and RNA integrity analysis.

The company said it plans to develop future kits for determining advanced DNA/RNA metrics such as damage from abasic sites and oxidation.