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SoftGenetics' GeneMarker Approved for Use with FBI's NDIS

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – SoftGenetics said this week that its GeneMarker Human Identity software has received NDIS (National DNA Index System) approval from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

This means that laboratories that submit data to the FBI's Combined DNA Identification System (CODIS) can now upload genotyped profiles directly from GeneMarker HID to NDIS, the US's national database of offender, arrestee, and forensic profiles.

"Forensic casework and private laboratories worldwide have used GeneMarker HID for over seven years for human identification in forensic case work, mass disaster searches of reference files, or  familial database searches, paternity, kinship, and immigration applications," Teresa Snyder‐Leiby, SoftGenetics product manager, said in a statement. With NDIS approval, CODIS reporting laboratories will "reap the benefits of faster analysis time and increased efficiency," she added.