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Cancer Genetics Receives NY State Approval for NGS-Based Cancer Panel

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Cancer Genetics said today that New York State has approved the company's Focus::Myeloid next-generation sequencing-based panel for myeloid malignancies.

The 54-gene panel provides information that clinicians can use to diagnose, provide prognosis, determine treatment options, and provide risk stratification for patients with acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, and myeloproliferative neoplasms, the company said.

"This New York State approval is another tribute to CGI's ability to provide NGS panels that meet the highest quality standards and improve patient care," said President and CEO Panna Sharma in a statement. "Focus::Myeloid is a highly sophisticated panel designed by a consortium of recognized experts in hematological malignancies. CGI will tailor the report output to provide test results for specific myeloid cancer indications, including AML, MDS, and MPN."

The company also received New York State approval at the end of June for its Focus::CLL NGS-based panel for chronic lymphocytic leukemia and small lymphocytic lymphoma.

Cancer Genetics' shares were up 4 percent to $2.42 in morning trading on the Nasdaq.