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UW Skyline Software Integrates Biognosys' iRT MRM-MS Tool


Swiss proteomics firm Biognosys said this week that its iRT tool for multiple-reaction monitoring mass spectrometry has been integrated into the latest version of the University of Washington's Skyline mass spec software.

Developed in the lab of UW researcher Michael MacCoss, Skyline is widely used throughout the proteomics and mass spec fields for building MRM-MS and full-scan methods and analyzing the resulting data.

Biognosys' iRT tool is designed to store known peptide retention times in a library for future use in retention time prediction. The company claims that the method can improve MRM-MS experiments by enabling better peptide retention time predictions compared to in silico methods, allowing researchers to include more transitions per run and consequently up their throughput.

The iRT kit lets users assign a given peptide a stable iRT value that, it said, "allows for highly accurate prediction of retention time across chromatographic configurations."