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TUM and SAP Collaborating on New Database for Human Proteomics


Technical University Munich and SAP said this week that they are collaborating on a new database for human proteomics research, ProteomicDB.

Led by TUM researcher Bernhard Kuster, the project aims to enable public sharing of mass spec-based proteomic datasets.

Available free of charge, ProteomicsDB is based on the SAP HANA platform and is backed by 50 TB of storage, 2 TB RAM, and 160 processing units. It offers direct interface to the programming languages L, C++, and R as well as a web interface that allows users to browse and upload data to the repository.

Currently, the database contains more than 11,000 proteomic datasets taken from samples including human cancer cell lines, tissues, and body fluids.

"The vast amounts of molecular data generated in biomedical research increasingly challenge the ability of scientists to see 'the forest for the trees,'" Kuster said in a statement. "ProteomicsDB is a significant step ahead in our research aiming at a better understanding of human disease and more informed future treatments. The software helps us and others to store, integrate and analyze experimental data in real time, allowing us to study more complex biological systems at greater depth than previously possible."