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Thermo Fisher, Technical University of Denmark Forge Proteomics Collaboration

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Thermo Fisher Scientific and the Technical University of Denmark's Department of System Biology today announced a collaboration to elucidate the process by which protein networks drive diseases.

Under the collaboration, a new proteomics laboratory will be established in Lyngby, Denmark equipped with Thermo Fisher LC-MS technology, including the Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid LC-MS platform, as well as four Q Exactive LC-MS/MS systems and nano-LC 1000 systems.

As reported by ProteoMonitor, Thermo Fisher launched the Fusion Tribrid a couple of months ago at the American Society of Mass Spectrometry annual meeting. The platform combines in one device a quadrupole for precursor selection with both an Orbitrap and ion trap mass analyzer.

In return for access to Thermo Fisher's new technologies and designs, DTU scientists will provide feedback and collaborate on new applications, the partners said.

Further terms of the deal were not disclosed.

"Studying the dynamic rewiring of cellular signaling networks requires state-of-the-art mass spectrometry," DTU professor Rune Linding said in a statement. "The Orbitrap Fusion system enables us to push the boundaries and analyze completely new avenues of cellular decision processes, and perform genome-scale studies of how the dynamics in these networks affect cell behavior. This is crucial, as it is now clear that the progression of complex diseases such as cancer is due to changes in these molecular networks."