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Thermo Fisher to Distribute MKI's Lipidomic Analysis Software

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Thermo Fisher Scientific is the exclusive worldwide marketer and distributor of MKI Knowledge Industry's lipidomic research data software, under a deal announced today.

The software called Lipid Search supports Thermo Fisher's high-resolution accurate mass Orbitrap and hybrid Orbitrap systems, as well as triple quadrupole mass specs. It processes data from infusion MS/MS and LC-MS/MS data, using MS2 and MS3 data to identify lipids from a database containing more than 1 million species.

The software can be used with a wide range of mass specs to identify lipids from mass spectra. It accommodates different acquisition modes and enables quantitation of identified lipids, Thermo Fisher said.

Financial and other terms were not disclosed.