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Samples Available for PSRG's 2015 Protein Sequencing Study


NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – The Protein Sequence Research Group of the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities announced this week the availability of test samples for its 2015 study.

According to the group, this year's study will focus on N-terminal sequencing of standard proteins by dimethyl labeling and bottom-up mass spectrometry.

Participants will receive one known protein and protocols for dimethyl labeling and will then perform sample preparation and trypsin digestion followed by bottom-up mass spec using the system and workflow of their choice. They will then report the N-terminal peptide information from the mass spec data for each sample concentration analyzed.

Samples must be requested by Oct. 24, 2014, and data and results should be submitted to PSRG by Feb. 6, 2015. Results will be presented at the ABRF 2015 conference March 28 to 31 in St. Louis.

To request samples, researchers should contact Henriette Remmer at [email protected].