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Nuclea, Clark University to Start Proteomics, Metabolomics Center

By a GenomeWeb staff reporter

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) – Diagnostics developer Nuclea Biotechnologies and Clark University will establish a new center to use proteomics and metabolomics methods in conducting biomarker research focused on cancer, Nuclea said yesterday.

The Pittsfield, Mass.-based firm will expand an ongoing partnership with Clark to establish a new Proteomic and Metabolomic Center on the university's campus in Worcester.

The center will bring together tools for sample preparation and mass spectrometry with Clark's established nuclear magnetic resonance imaging resource.

The large volumes of data generated from Nuclea's clinical repository and from scientific samples will be analyzed through a newly established computer cluster network at Clark and Nuclea's database.

Nuclea is focused on developing gene, protein, and antibody biomarkers and pharmacogenetic diagnostic assays that can predict which treatments will be effective for certain patients.

"The research being conducted at Clark, using the state-of-the-art equipment and technology, will lead to new biomarkers that will help doctors identify deadly cancers in hard-to-diagnose patients and prescribe the most effective treatments," Nuclea CEO and President Patrick Muraca said in a statement.